Vision Jet Travel
Around the World

Airports we have landed in both the Vision Jet and the SR22
We have travelled to all the red runway stops throughout the World.
2019 to 2022 we travelled around the world in the Vision Jet. Many flights through the USA and down to the most southern commercial airport in the world - Ushuaia Argentina.
2014 we flew an SR22 from USA to Australia through the Middle East and down to Asia.
2014 we flew an African Safari in an old Cessna in South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe.

Round the world - top view
Here is the view from the Arctic of the flight paths in the Vision Jet. Through Russia following the Trans Siberian train route down to Vladivostok then across to Kamchatka and across the Bering sea into Alaska.

Choosing a safe path through the Arctic
From this view you can see that we flew all the way to the top of Canada Iqaluit(Frobisher Bay) before crossing into Greenland Kangerlussuaq (Sondestrom) this is because this path will take us as little time as possible over the cold waters. Most ferry pilots take the path from Goose Bay, Canada.

South American
Taking a path from Florida to Belize, Panama, Ecuador, (side trip to Galapagos) Peru, Chile through the Ice cap of Patagonia to Ushuaia Argentina, Brazil, and back to the USA through the Caribbean.

European Flights in the Vision Jet
We took our time to enjoy places around the world staying for extended periods of time.

SR22 route to Australia
All the flights in the SR22 were without extra fuel tanks - so each stop is refuelling with Avgas drums and within range of the SR22.