Vision Jet Travel

Vision Jet in Georgia
TLV Israel to Batumi Georgia
790nm - 3hr
Handler: QAS FBO TLV
The plane has been parked for a few months and it is absolutely filthy, except for where the cover protects the top and windows, that is fairly clean but it is a sorry sight to see her in such a state. The logistics involved with having a wash was an impossible task not to mention the cost! Read the story
Vision Jet in East Europe
Moldova - Albania - Romania -Bulgaria - Hungary - Slovakia - Seldom visited and certainly not a hot tourist spot from Western countries this Eastern block of countries are in our opinion the most surprising and up and coming future of Europe. What do we mean by up and coming... it appears to us and lets not forget that we write only on our experience, that the atmosphere in all of these Countries is a bright future. Read the story..